Banish those blemishes by taking time to care for your face. Imagine, dirt congealing in your pores after a long day from work resulting in those pesky pimples, blackheads, comedones and whiteheads. A nightly skin ritual should do the trick, if you care about face and want to fight off aging this early, a regular deep pore cleansing is a must.
What are Comedones?
Comedones are those inflamed pustules under the skin that after sometime becomes closed off by a black colored cap of skin. Comedones are a build-up of oil, free radicals and yes, bacteria on the face. So be kind to the skin on your face, you only have one beautiful mug and you should love it more than anything - its the first thing you see in the bathroom each morning. Know what it takes to keep your face fresh and its pores clog-free.
Wash your Face - how easy is that? A good scrub just before bedtime can be satisfying, enjoy that soft sensation massaging dirt off your face. Never go to bed without washing your face and never lay down forgetting to remove your make-up. This should be a good hygiene habit like brushing your teeth. Don't be too lazy or tired, or forgetful, this isn't a difficult thing to do. Clearing your face of make-up and smog residue from the streets will allow your pores to breathe for the night. Not washing the dirt off will allow dirt to congeal creating more comedones.
Stay golden, not greasy! Highly emollient face creams may give you that creamy soothing texture when applied and feels soft on the skin, but such creams easily clog the pores, this further encourages the skin on your face to create more oil than needed.
Avoid skin irritants. Irritants and chemical ingredients such as additives and binders are usually found in bar soaps and facial scrubs. Be more choosy with what you choose to put on your face, the way you're fussy about what you eat. There are many ways to achieve that facial glow and number one on that list is to be mindful of the products you use on a daily basis.
Drink plenty of water. One can't stress this enough! Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, this is essential if you want great skin from within. Besides the basic 8 glasses of water a day, you can also opt for natural teas or fresh fruit juice. Some go the extra mile and drink a gallon of water daily.

Say yes to that facial massage. Make bank and visit a professional beauty esthetician, once a month is ideal. Peak your skincare by visiting a dermatologist as well and get a beauty treatment plan to improve your skin. A good facial improves blood circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen-rich red blood cells to your skin.
What are Comedones?
Comedones are those inflamed pustules under the skin that after sometime becomes closed off by a black colored cap of skin. Comedones are a build-up of oil, free radicals and yes, bacteria on the face. So be kind to the skin on your face, you only have one beautiful mug and you should love it more than anything - its the first thing you see in the bathroom each morning. Know what it takes to keep your face fresh and its pores clog-free.
Wash your Face - how easy is that? A good scrub just before bedtime can be satisfying, enjoy that soft sensation massaging dirt off your face. Never go to bed without washing your face and never lay down forgetting to remove your make-up. This should be a good hygiene habit like brushing your teeth. Don't be too lazy or tired, or forgetful, this isn't a difficult thing to do. Clearing your face of make-up and smog residue from the streets will allow your pores to breathe for the night. Not washing the dirt off will allow dirt to congeal creating more comedones.
Stay golden, not greasy! Highly emollient face creams may give you that creamy soothing texture when applied and feels soft on the skin, but such creams easily clog the pores, this further encourages the skin on your face to create more oil than needed.
Avoid skin irritants. Irritants and chemical ingredients such as additives and binders are usually found in bar soaps and facial scrubs. Be more choosy with what you choose to put on your face, the way you're fussy about what you eat. There are many ways to achieve that facial glow and number one on that list is to be mindful of the products you use on a daily basis.
Drink plenty of water. One can't stress this enough! Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, this is essential if you want great skin from within. Besides the basic 8 glasses of water a day, you can also opt for natural teas or fresh fruit juice. Some go the extra mile and drink a gallon of water daily.

Say yes to that facial massage. Make bank and visit a professional beauty esthetician, once a month is ideal. Peak your skincare by visiting a dermatologist as well and get a beauty treatment plan to improve your skin. A good facial improves blood circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen-rich red blood cells to your skin.
All this beauty regimen is pretty much Do-It-Yourself! Meaning girls, you should love yourself more! Drop that cellphone before bedtime and do yourself a favor, stick to that beauty routine because all you need are your hands and some ME time (let's say 10 minutes nightly) to stay beautiful!
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